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Each holiday carries the risk of overspending our money, so we should pay a closer look to our holiday plan and make sure that we prepare a good budget to get the most out of our holiday. Here’s a few tips that can help.

每个假期都有超支钱的风险,因此我们应该仔细考虑我们的假期计划,并确保我们准备好预算以充分利用我们的假期。 这里有一些技巧可以帮助您。

设定明确目标 (Set a Clear Goal)

The first step in planning our holiday is to create a clear goal on what we would like to get out of our holiday. Our holiday goals should be concise, clear, and result oriented. A goal should include a verb that contains all your vacation choices.

计划假期的第一步是为我们希望摆脱的假期制定一个明确的目标。 我们的假期目标应该简洁明了,以结果为导向。 一个目标应包括一个动词,其中包含您所有的休假选择。

Ask ourselves the following questions to understand what do we really need and hoping to get from our holiday:


1. Where do we want to go ? 2. What is the best way to get to our destination ? 3. What shall we do once we get there ? 4. How many people are we going to bring with us for the holiday ? 5. How long are we going to stay there ?

1.我们要去哪里? 2.到达目的地的最佳方法是什么? 3.到达那里后我们该怎么办? 4.我们假期要带几个人? 5.我们要在那里呆多久?

A clear goal sound some thing like “I am going to Hong Kong to visit a friend and spend 2 weeks in China to visit some of its famous history heritage”.


准备您的旅行行程 (Prepare Your Travel Itinerary)

After we have set a clear and realistic goal it is time to gather some information to get a better picture on how much money should we set aside for our trip.


1. Travel Documents. We need to have a valid travel documents and the necessary visa to get into our destination country if we need one. The destination country embassy or consular usually provide a good guideline on the required travel documents. Take note of any fees that we have to pay to the embassy for getting a visa to enter our destination.

1.旅行证件。 我们需要一个有效的旅行证件和必要的签证才能进入目的地国家。 目的地国大使馆或领事馆通常会提供所需旅行证件的良好指南。 请注意我们获得签证才能进入目的地必须支付给大使馆的任何费用。

2. How to get to our destination. We need to consider the most effective means of getting to our destination. We have the option to go by land, sea, or air. Each one of them has their own benefit, going by the air route usually takes us faster to our destination. Taking a land transport gives us the opportunity to enjoy the scenery on the road. Going by sea can be exciting for some of us who enjoy the open sea. Some of these options may be cheaper or more expensive, take note of the price for each mode of transport to get a better understanding on the total cost of the trip.

2.如何到达目的地。 我们需要考虑到达目的地的最有效方法。 我们可以选择陆运,海运或空运。 他们每个人都有自己的好处,乘坐飞机通常会使我们更快地到达目的地。 陆路运输使我们有机会欣赏马路上的风景。 对于我们其中一些喜欢公海的人来说,海上航行可能会令人兴奋。 其中一些选项可能更便宜或更昂贵,请注意每种运输方式的价格,以更好地了解旅程的总费用。

3. Accommodation. There are different type of accommodation to choose for our holiday. Budget conscious traveller may like to consider backpackers or a motel, while the higher end travellers may want to spend their time in a luxurious hotel. Our choice depends on our preferences on the kind of service and convenience that we expect from our accommodation provider. Motel or Backpacker may be cheaper than a hotel, but they may not have the services and facilities that a hotel gives.

3.住宿。 我们的假期有不同类型的住宿可供选择。 精打细算的旅行者可能喜欢考虑背包客或汽车旅馆,而高端旅行者可能希望在豪华的酒店里度过时光。 我们的选择取决于我们对住宿供应商所期望的服务和便利性的偏好。 汽车旅馆或背包客旅馆可能比旅馆便宜,但它们可能没有旅馆提供的服务和设施。

4. Daily Expenses. Travelling oversea means that we need to spend some money on our daily expenses oversea. Our vacation country may have different food prices, laundry, gas, bus tickets, etc. We need to have a rough idea on how much should we set aside to cover these necessary daily expenditure.

4.日常开支 。 出国旅行意味着我们需要花一些钱在海外的日常开支上。 我们的度假国可能有不同的食品价格,洗衣,汽油,公交车票等。我们需要大致了解应该预留多少来支付这些必要的日常支出。

is one of the website that I frequently use to look for good deals on flights. Smarter Travel has an impressive price comparison engine that search for the best prices from various online sources that often give me the best airline price, hotel, cars. and even vacation packages for my trip.

是我经常用来寻找航班优惠的网站之一。 Smarter Travel具有令人印象深刻的价格比较引擎,可从各种在线资源中搜索最优惠的价格,这些价格通常会为我提供最佳的机票价​​格,酒店和汽车。 甚至是我旅行的度假套餐。

After we gather a good amount of information on the prices, we should be able to come up with a simple budgeting spreadsheet to give estimates on the total cost of our trip.


您的旅行预算的简单电子表格 (Simple Spreadsheet for Your Trip Budget)

Microsoft provide a for our budgeting purposes. The template list out common expenditure in a travel such as airfare, hotel, food, car rental, gas, entertainment, gifts. I find that this template is very useful to calculate the total cost of our trip and whether our plan exceed our budget. The budgeting spreadsheet will gives us a warning if our trip expenses cost more than our budget.

Microsoft提供用于预算目的。 该模板列出了机票,酒店,食品,汽车租赁,汽油,娱乐,礼品等旅行中的常见支出。 我发现此模板对于计算旅行总费用以及我们的计划是否超出预算非常有用。 如果我们的旅行费用超出预算,预算电子表格将向我们发出警告。

Keep this spreadsheet accessible at all time during your travel so that you can monitor your expenditure on your travel.


知道如何花钱 (Know How to Spend Your Money)

An important part of travelling is to know the best way to spend our money during our trip.


Choose the Right Season to travel.


Airfare or accommodation fares are often affected by season. Christmas break or summer are usually the high season for people to travel. Finding a cheap seat on a flight or a good room in a hotel will be tough during the high seasons. Planning a trip during the low season gives us more option to choose low cost flight or hotel.

机票或住宿票价通常受季节影响。 圣诞节假期或夏季通常是人们旅行的旺季。 在旺季期间,在飞机上找到便宜的座位或在酒店里找到一个好的房间将是困难的。 计划在淡季旅行,使我们有更多选择低成本航班或酒店的选择。

选择最佳货币兑换方式 ( Choose the Best Way to Exchange Currency)

Spending time oversea sometime means that we need to spend the local currency. ATM, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Money Changers are the common instrument for us to gain access to the local currency. Each one of them works slight differently and carefully evaluating each one’s hidden cost can save us money in the process.

花时间在国外花费时间意味着我们需要花费当地货币。 自动取款机,信用卡,借记卡,货币兑换商是我们获取当地货币的常用工具。 每个人的工作方式略有不同,仔细评估每个人的隐性成本可以为我们节省资金。

Be mindful of the hidden administration fee that comes with your ATM, Credit Card, or Money Changer. Consult with your bank on how much they charge for foreign transaction. Some banks charges a certain amount of money every time you withdraw from your ATM. Withdrawing in a large amount instead of small amount might save you a lot money. Some banks charge their customer currency conversion charge when they use their credit card.

请注意自动柜员机,信用卡或货币兑换器随附的隐藏管理费。 请向您的银行咨询他们收取多少外汇费用。 每次您从ATM提款时,某些银行都会收取一定的费用。 大量提取而不是少量提取可以为您节省很多钱。 一些银行在使用信用卡时会收取客户货币兑换费。

包装灯 (Pack Light)

Most carrier charges an additional fee if our luggage is over their weight limit. Extra luggages means extra space to store and extra effort to carry them around. Look at the content of your luggage and rethink whether you really need them at your destination. Your vintage jeans may look cool but they add weight to your luggage. Towel is handy to have but most hotels provide towel in their bath room. Cotton underwear are comfortable, but paper underwear is lighter and you can just throw them away after you wear them. Jackets are heavy and consume space in your luggage. You may not need jackets if you’re travelling across places with different climate. You may want to wear your jacket in the cold areas, but you may not need them to enjoy a a sunny beach in a tropical country. It might be cheaper just to rent a jacket for the ski trip or buy them at the local shop compare to bring them in your luggage.

如果我们的行李超过重量限制,大多数承运商会收取额外费用。 额外的行李意味着更多的存储空间和额外的搬运负担。 查看行李的内容,然后重新考虑在目的地是否真的需要它们。 您的老式牛仔裤看起来很酷,但会增加您的行李箱重量。 毛巾很方便,但是大多数酒店的浴室都提供毛巾。 棉质内裤舒适,但纸质内裤较轻,穿上后就可以扔掉。 夹克很重,会占用行李箱中的空间。 如果您在气候不同的地方旅行,可能不需要夹克。 您可能想在寒冷的地区穿外套,但是在热带国家,您可能不需要它们在阳光明媚的海滩上玩耍。 仅仅租一件夹克去滑雪旅行或在当地商店买一件比较便宜的东西可能会比较便宜。

将钱存入预算 ( Keeping Your Money to Your Budget)

When we arrive at the actual location there is always temptation to spend our money in things that we actually may not need. There are some ways to curb these temptations.

当我们到达实际位置时,总会倾向于将钱花在我们实际上可能不需要的东西上。 有一些方法可以遏制这些诱惑。

Restricting access to your money is one of the most effective way to avoid spending money. Transfer some of the money in checking account to different account to prevent you from spending everything in your checking account.

限制使用您的资金是避免花钱的最有效方法之一。 将支票帐户中的部分资金转移到其他帐户,以防止您在支票帐户中花费所有资金。

It is very easy to swipe your credit card at the counter because you don’t actually see the money physically flowing out of your wallet. But do remember every dollar you charge on your credit card will bear an interest that will compound unless you pay them off quickly. Stop swiping those credit cards unless in emergencies. You may want to take advantage of point rewards programs, but bear in mind you need to be able to pay the credit card off every month and avoid getting stung by the interest rate fees.

在柜台刷信用卡很容易,因为实际上您看不到钱从钱包里流出。 但是请记住,您用信用卡支付的每一美元都会产生一定的利息,除非您Swift还清这些利息。 除非有紧急情况,否则请停止刷卡。 您可能想利用积分奖励计划,但是请记住,您需要每月能够还清信用卡,并避免被利率费用所困扰。

Why are You Buying It ? Sometime we buy things because we need it. We buy a computer because we need to do our work. Some time we buy things only simply because we want it. Choose the items that you buy carefully, think about whether the purchase really going to benefit you in the long run or the purchase just simply to get an instant gratification.

你为什么要买它? 有时候我们买东西是因为我们需要它。 我们购买计算机是因为我们需要做好工作。 有时我们只是因为想要而购买东西。 选择您要仔细购买的商品,考虑购买是从长远来看真正使您受益,还是只是为了得到即时满足而购买。

Travel with budget conscious people The people that travel with us affect how we spend our money. Travelling with budget conscious people help us make better decision where to spend our money. They can help us to evaluate whether we are making the right decisions when we make our purchases during our trip.

与精打细算的人们一起旅行与我们一起旅行的人们会影响我们如何花钱。 与精打细算的人们一起旅行有助于我们更好地决定将钱花在哪里。 他们可以帮助我们评估在旅途中购买商品时我们是否做出了正确的决定。




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